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Natural medicine has always been an essential part of my life. I grew up in a house hold where my mother used many remedies passed down through my lineage and ancestors of both African and Indigenous peoples traditions. My grandmother was the village herbalist in the small town where she grew up in Brazil, decocting medicine to help support the community - a radical movement in that time as providing herbal medicine was not legal in that time. She supported many causes that were ignored by medical practitioners in that time, helping to revitalize all people but mostly women in physical distress needing support.

Learning herbal medicine has allowed me to be supportive to an entire community of people who have sought more for their health and who are wanting to follow a deeper path to connecting with nature and themselves.

Working with plants has allowed me to personally heal physically. I am especially interested in working with women who are seeking hormonal balance, fertility issues, reproductive health and menopause. I provide a wide spectrum of support using herbal medicine - both internal and topical applications.

Alessandra de Oliveira

Initial: 60 minutes | 125 dollars

Follow up:  30 minutes | 50 dollars

Get to know your body better and how to work with plants to help increase health and vitality. Your herbal consultation with Aless will allow for open dialogue about your condition and health goals. We will explore several layers of life see how areas can be tweaked and adjusted to improve overall wellness. Herbal medicine is one layer of the equation, there are many aspects that can impact our wellness including sleep, stress, nutrition and our mental health. We will work backwards and get to the root of the issue that may be causing the condition, sometimes the solution is simple but speaking about what is happening allows us to understand where it is stemming from. 

Alessandra has been working with women to help resolve several conditions in the past 5 years. She teaches herbal medicine with The Gaia School of Healing in Vermont and grows her own plants, preserving them and making teas and tinctures. All plants that cannot be grown here, are sourced though ethical and organic suppliers.

Email to schedule 

Herbal Consultations

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